
Have you ever done the hair and ring test? The test will tell you the gender order of your kids, and how many you will have. It's pretty SPOOKY. You get a piece of your own hair and a ring with significant meaning to you. Loop the hair into the ring so that you can dangle it. Starting to the side of your pinky trace the outline of your hand with the ring and trace it back to your pinky. When you get back to your pinky move it to the center of your hand. If the ring sways back and forth its a GIRL, if it moved in a circle its a BOY!

My husband and I did the test tonight. Our results were girl, boy, boy. Once you are done having kids the ring just stops. Steven (my husband) did the test 3 separate times each time was the same. It was freaky. We aren't planning on having kids for a few more years but it will be very interesting to see if the test actually works! 


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