Grey's Anatomy

Hey Friends, 

This has been on my mind for the past year and it is something that I am always actively researching. Birth Control Options. 
Whether you are on the pill, mini pill, have a ring, a patch, a shot, sklya mirena, paragaurd, condoms, pull out method. tracking method WHATEVER it maybe I think it is so important for women to be informed  on this subject and in tune to what your body is telling you.
When I first got engaged I knew that this was something that I was going to have to do. I had friends who were on the pill in high school for various reasons but my first encounter with birth control was in my early 20's. I talked with my sisters and a few of my friends and for me personally I didn't want to be on the pill, I just didn't think that I would be able to consistently take it and didn't want to worry about whether or not I had forgot a day. Its really because I'm forgetful and lazy, so props to you if that is your method of choice.
The next option that I was familiar with was the IUD mirena. A few of my sisters had it so I felt that if it was good enough for them it would be good enough for me. I had mine placed in just a month before my wedding. IT was very painful, my doctor didn't prescribe me to take any medication before the procedure I didn't even think to take Tylenol. So if you are thinking about getting one in talk to your doctor before! Get medication that will make the insertion more relaxed. After they placed my IUD in I had severe cramping like wanting to curl up in a ball and die cramping where nothing makes you feel better. After 2 weeks that cramping went down but I would still occasionally feel like the IUD was cutting into my cervix. (it wasn't).
My experience with my mirena may be way different than yours, it may work great for you and your body my oldest sister loves it and has never had any problems. The cramping with my mirena continued randomly for the next 6 months and even after a year and a half. My periods had completely stopped which had its upsides and downsides. The downside for me was that I could never track my cycle that my body was going through. I never knew if I was ovulating and thats what my cramps were from or because my body was rejecting the IUD. I never knew if I was having mood swings because I was PMSing or because of something else in my life. The biggest issues for me with the mirena were emotional ones. The first 6 months on our marriage were really hard. Hard because we are now married and that comes with a WHOLE new territory but also because I was so emotional. I would cry ALL THE TIME literally all the time. I remember one night watching Hope Floats by myself and when the little girl freaks out that her dad is leaving I LOST IT, uncontrollably sobbing for like an hour after the movie. I would also get really bad anxiety and have panic attacks. My poor husband he was a champ through it all but didn't understand what was going on just as much as I didnt. Things calmed down and my hormones seemed to be getting in better check but I still wasn't in love with how much effect this little plastic T had on my life.
After a year and a half of giving it a go I decided that it was time to part ways with the little bugga. Before I did researched A LOT and then talked to my Dr. to see if there was anything  I wanted to get my life back and I  honestly wasn't happy with it. It wasn't doing everything I needed it to do for my mental and emotional wellbeing. Yes, it was preventing me from getting pregnant but it came with more than I was able to handle. You should never be unhappy with something that you have the ability to change!
After much research and figuring out what I wanted my birth control to do for me I decided on the Paragard.... for now. I have only had it in for a day but I am going to do my best to really track the differences that I feel between the two. The most important thing for me is LISTENING TO YOUR BODY and really being in tune with what you need.



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